The objective of the assistance from NEPAD-IPPF is to finance the feasibility studies, detailed engineering designs, environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) and preparation of bidding documents in view of the construction of the Yie - Maloukou Trechot road (26 km) and the upgrading of the Yie – Special economic zone of Maloukou Trechot road (23 km) in the Republic of Congo. The said activities to be carried out in the Republic of Congo also include Technical Assistance (TA) to the executing agency and related tasks, as well as auditing services.

Total Cost
Year of approval
Sources of Downstream Financing
ADF: USD 4.11 million
Gov of RoC: 0.25 million
Gov of DRC: 1.35 million
25% funded by NEPAD-IPPF