The NEPAD-Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF), a multi-donor Special Fund hosted by the AfDB, is holding its 32nd Oversight Committee meeting on March, 11th and 12th, 2021, through ZOOM virtual meeting Platform.

The key objective of the Fund is to provide technical and financial assistance to African countries in the preparation of regional infrastructure projects in Energy, Transport, ICT and Transboundary Water.

The Oversight Committee was set up at the establishment of the Fund in 2001 to provide general policy direction, and to ensure effective governance for the activities of the Fund. The objective of this 32nd Oversight Committee meeting is to discuss operational issues and future activities of the Fund.

The meeting intends to provide a forum for follow-up on the Status of Key Actions pending from the 31st OC meeting held in September 2020, and review progress in the implementation of key infrastructure studies supported by the Fund to date. The meeting will equally focus on the progress of implementation of the improvement plan resulting from the independent evaluation of the Fund requested by donors, and completed early in 2020.

The meeting will also discuss the progress of development of the Fund’s upcoming digital platform, the activities of the technical assistance fund for 2021, the upcoming Strategic Business Plan 2021-2026, and the upcoming new risk framework for projects selection. It will also be an opportunity to go into a "deep dive" of some projects being supported by the Fund such as: the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) linking Ethiopia and Sudan and the Angololo Multipurpose Water Resources Development Project to be jointly developed by Kenya and Uganda for which studies are still ongoing, and the Nigeria-Benin 330KV Interconnection Reinforcement Project for which studies are completed. Finally, it will be an opportunity to recall the publication of the 15 years report of NEPAD-IPPF.