Project Name

Project description


Executing Agencies

NEPAD-IPPF Commitment (USD)

Total Project Preparation Cost (USD

Launching date of Expressions of Interests for the studies


Lesotho Botswana Water Transfer

The proposed L-BWT is a priority investment project selected for development under the Integrated Water Resources Management Plan of the Orange-Senqu River Basin. The project comprises the development of a dam and water storage reservoir in the Lesotho Lowlands, and a bulk water conveyance system from the reservoir, through South Africa to Botswana, over an estimated distance of 712Kms. The outputs of the project are feasibility studies (technical, economic, financial, environmental, social including gender, legal, institutional, organizational, etc.)


Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM)





January 2021


BAYNES Namibia Angola Interconnection project

The objective of the project is to generate and distribute power from the Baynes hydropower plant in lower Kunene, Namibia, to the national power grid of Angola. The proposed interconnector involves the construction of power transmission lines from the proposed Baynes Hydropower Plant in Lower Kunene, Namibia, and link them to the national power grid of Angola. While this leg of the project focuses on the section in Angola, it forms part of the broader project which is in Namibia. NEPAD-IPPF’s assistance will have the following outputs: Technical, economic, financial feasibility studies as well as environmental and social impact assessment.


Southern African Power Pool (SAPP)




January 2021


Machipanda railway rehabilitation project

The objective of the project is to rehabilitate the 217km Machipanda railway line. The line rises from sea level at Beira Port to about 300 meters at the border with Zimbabwe, it is a non-electrified single-track with 36 crossing points with a mixture of timber, steel and concrete sleepers. NEPAD-IPPF’s assistance will have the following outputs: (i) Review of existing environmental and social documentation on the line; (ii) Identify and assess all adverse environmental and social impacts of the project and recommend measures for mitigation; (iii) Develop an: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).


Southern African Development Community (SADC)



August 2020