Feasibility Study on Business Opportunities for Women in a changing energy value Ecreee-ECOWAS
Study Scope for Women to Establish Energy Based business in region
Study Scope for Women to Establish Energy Based business in region
To finance the entire foreign currency cost of the Feasibility, Line Route and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies (the “Study” or the “Studies”) for the construction of a 330 kV power transmission line from Erunkan (Nigeria) to Sakete (Benin).
To update the previous Feasibility and ESIA studies made by Fichtner in 2007. To transport energy generated from Northern Nigeria and Burkina Faso with T-offsets to Niger and Benin (900 km transmission line).
Strengthen the cooperation and regional integration of OMVG member countries in the energy sector (particularly in the electricity subsector). Pre-investment studies of the Digan, Fello-Sounga, Kaléta and Sambangalou hydroelectric facilities and their connection to the OMVG 225 kV transmission network.
The mission assigned to ALG (Autorité du développement intégré de la région du Liptako-Gourma) is to promote the harmonious and integrated development of the Liptako-Gourma region, by jointly developing, in a regional context, the mining, energy, hydraulic, agropastoral and fish resources in its territory. intervention zone.
Detailed study of the expansion of San Pedro Port, Côte d’Ivoire, to give sea access to landlocked Mali, Burkina Faso & Eastern Liberia.
Examine the economic, financial and political feasibility of establishing and setting up the Fund for the Development and Financing of Infrastructure and Related Services in the ECOWAS Transport and Energy Sectors (ECOWAS-DETECF), and then define the operating modalities of the Fund.
The downstream project will stimulate economic growth, socio-economic development and contribute to building efficient regional transport system to facilitate access to reliable transport and port services to landlocked countries especially Mali and those parts of Guinea and Liberia best served by the San Pedro.
To improve the connectivity between ECOWAS offices and affiliated organizations, thereby contributing to the integration of the ECOWAS region by providing a robust platform for regional information systems. The objective of the Preparatory Activities is to prepare the feasibility study, environmental and social management plan and tender documents for the ECOWAN project
To update an earlier study on the Gambia River Bridge, including analysis of the economic viability of the project and preparation of an ESIA to facilitate resource mobilization for investment and implementation.