Feasibility Study on Business Opportunities for Women in a changing energy value Ecreee-ECOWAS
Study Scope for Women to Establish Energy Based business in region
330KV Kolwezi-Solwezi Power interconnection project
The activities for which IPPF assistance is requested are : technical, economic and financial feasibility studies, and environmental and social impact assessment studies for the 330KV Kolwezi-Solwezi Power interconnection.
330KV Nigeria-Benin Interconnector Reinforcement Project
To finance the entire foreign currency cost of the Feasibility, Line Route and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies (the “Study” or the “Studies”) for the construction of a 330 kV power transmission line from Erunkan (Nigeria) to Sakete (Benin).
North Core 330KV Transmission Line
To update the previous Feasibility and ESIA studies made by Fichtner in 2007. To transport energy generated from Northern Nigeria and Burkina Faso with T-offsets to Niger and Benin (900 km transmission line).